Peat national secondary vocational schools to build ten secondary vocational schools

South Kalimantan
Starting from the awareness program of the Ministry of Environment and Forests in encouraging the creation of awareness of the school community to create a young generation of environmentally conscious, SMKN 1 (Vocational High School National) Peat Banjar regency, South Kalimantan obtain achievement as a candidate school Adiwiyata independently to build 10 schools SMK in the Banjar di
strict and around the school as target schools Adiwiyata.
Initially SMKN 1 Peat Adiwiyata participate in the program in 2013, this was done -To realize the school community are responsible for the protection and management of the environment through good school governance to support sustainable development.
Achievement of SMKN 1 Peat as schools Adiwiyata among others: in 2014 awarded Adiwiyata School district level, the Year 2015 was awarded the school Adiwiyata provincial level as well the national level and in 2016 became a candidate Adiwiyata independent by building 10 vocational school there in Banjar  district and school Adiwiyata around as the target schools.
Developers Chairman Adiwiyata Sri Wahyu Lestari, SP Ibu Ayu when interviewed Thursday, 04.21.16 explained that the purpose of the participation SMKN1 PEAT solely in order to be directly involved in the environmental management  in preserving the function of the environment, prevent pollution and reduce the damage and destruction environment.
she said, also the obstacles encountered in implementing the guidelines Adiwiyata namely facilities and infrastructure of the schools have not been sufficient so that needs to be implemented gradually, selaian was also The environment with extreme weather and soil conditions that peat sand to turn the plant needs to work extra hard and lifestyle people that can not care about the environment and the habits of littering.
"Thank God, this achievement thanks to the full support of the school principal Drs. Surya Ningrat M.Pd and several parties, both from the Government itself and private parties, "said Ibu Ayu.
He explained that the funds for the implementation of this program is more than 20% of the total budget spent by the school, from the Government through the program R-FAIR (Stubs Compulsory) which now changed its name BOMM Operational Assistance (quality management). Besides assistance also came from the relevant authorities in the form of facilities and infrastructure of the BLH, Perkim, BPPH. Not only from government agencies, from the business community also gave assistance, namely from UT (United Tractor) and HONDA. Not forgetting the contribution of the Parents Committee, and cooperation with local people when organized voluntary work.
Expectations for schools or individual components are involved either directly or indirectly in the realization of this program so that families SMK 1 Peat can see the benefits and follow Adiwiyata and implement in sehai-day life in the (MN )


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