mining permit will not be issued again

indonesia _jakarta
Ministry of Energy and human resources to improve efficiency by cutting bureaucracy permitting mining operations. One that changed was the decision not to issue a mining permit (IUP) transportation and sale.
Director General of Mineral and Coal, R. Sukhyar said, later IUP transportation and sales will not be there anymore. During Production IUP owners should be responsible for direct selling mine output. Therefore Sukhyar said, ahead of IUP Transportation and Seller will be removed.
"No longer need permission from us because it's actually part of a Production IUP. In the future we will keep an eye on to the field to whom they sell," said Sukhyar in office, Friday (24/10).
On the commodities coal, a change in this rule will make an impact on the export of bureaucratic mechanisms. During this time, the owner IUP Transportation and Sales are also required to have a certificate of registered exporters in order to keep exports.
Sukhyar said, after this rule came into effect IUP Produksilah which shall be certified by the ET and then reported to the Government about its export activities. "Later they will report to the Ministry of Trade tradernya anyone. It is they who have ET," said Sukhyar.
This rule change will be effective after the government revised the Government Regulation No. 23/2010. For a while, the owner IUP Transportation and Sales are still allowed to have a license still operating until their licenses run out.
Indirectly this rule would erode the role of coal traders. Director General of Mineral and Coal Secretary, Paul Lopez admitted not to socialize on businesses. This will be done gradually until the next three years until no more IUP Transportation and Sales that still have a license.(MN)


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